this is my first post in my hair series. i get a ton of questions about my platinum hair so i figured i would just write a few blog posts about it. let’s start from the very beginning. before bleach even touched my head. for anyone with brown-black hair who wants to get platinum hair, this is your warning – it’s not easy, it’s a long process – you will need to take care of your hair. this entire post is basically for anyone with dark hair trying to go light. if you have naturally blonde/light hair, it won’t be hard for you to go platinum at all.
before i decided i wanted white hair, i did my research. when i say i did my research, i literally mean i researched the heck out of going platinum for MONTHS. i watched youtube videos, i talk to friends with blonde or platinum hair, and i read every article on the planet. seriously, i really looked into this.
i knew that since i had naturally brown hair, this wasn’t something that was going to be done over night. below are a few tips to help get your hair in the right condition before bleaching. if you have color in your hair and want to go platinum, it’s extremely important that you get your hair in good condition or it will actually fall out.
1. stop washing your hair – a few weeks back, i wrote a blog post about how i am able to only wash my hair once a week. feel free to check it out. you really want to wash your hair as little as possible. this will cause the natural oils in your scalp to really hydrate and condition your hair. do this for a few months, and the health of your hair will improve tremendously. again, you want your hair to be as healthy as humanly possible before bleaching.
2. stop using heat – i can’t say this enough, you want your hair as healthy as possible. if you can, wash your hair at night and let it air dry so that it’s ready in the morning. if you can avoid curling or straightening your hair every day, that would be pretty cool too. especially if you aren’t washing your hair every day, your curls/straight hair should last a few days.
3. virgin hair is the best hair – by this i mean, hair with zero dye in it. if you want to go platinum but your hair already has dye in it, you have two options. you can wait and grow the dye out (what i did, it took 2 years) or you can go to your hair dresser and have them treat your hair and remove as much dye as possible. now, i’m not a hair dresser, but i know treatments such as a malibu and other ways to lessen the hair dye in your hair. your hair dresser will totally know what to do.
if your hair is super dark and has dark hair dye in it, you may have to rock some orange hair for a bit. this will not happen over night. it’ll take a few times for the bleach to cut through all of that dye and dark color. but it is possible! don’t feel like you can’t do it if your hair is dark.
4. talk to your hair dresser – the best way to be prepared for this is to talk to your hair dresser. everyone’s hair is different and they will give you the best advice. if you don’t have a hair dresser, ask around! check out profiles and work form hair dressers in your area. don’t just go to anyone. you want to be able to trust them.
if you’re wondering – i did ALL of the above. i let the hair dye i had in my hair grow out. honestly, not to go platinum, but because i didn’t feel like dying my hair for two years and really wanted to get it to a super healthy point. i also stopped washing my hair every day and got rid of the heat when i could. going platinum may not be easy, but it’s totally worth it if that’s the route you want to go.
if you have any questions, leave them below! the next post regarding my hair will be of the actual process. how long it took me, what my hair looked like before and in between, etc.
courtney raf