easy ways to do SEO for you blog
hello! happy monday. today’s blog post is going to be another one that you will hopefully find helpful if you’re a new blogger. i’m sharing with you a few easy ways to do seo for your blog.
to be perfectly honest with you, seo is something i really struggle with. it can be so complicated and also take up a lot of time. if you’re like me, and you work full time and blog as a hobby, the last thing you have is actual time. below are a few super easy ways to help with your seo that you can do as you’re writing your post. these elements will add only a few extra minutes to each post.
again, i’m no expert so if you would like a more in depth explanation of any of these elements, there are a million and one resources out there. but i thought these were perfect to mention because they are so quick and easy. and obviously super beneficial for you.
if you have any other tips or easy ways to help with seo, PLEASE let me know in the comments lol like i said, i’m still learning.
alt tags
what are alt tags you ask? well in the easiest and most basic explanation, search engines can’t process what your photo is. they rely on keywords to understand what your post or page is about. therefore, adding an alt tag to each image will better optimize your post and help Google and other search engines understand what you’re writing about.
these are super easy to add if you’re using wordpress. if you go to > media < and click on an image, it will give you a box to put your “alt text”. type your text into there and you’re all set! so what are good alt texts? well, you want to make sure you keep it short! no more than 10 words. the shorter the better. your alt tag is going to contain the focus keywords of your blog. it’s basically going to describe what your image and blog is all about in a short amount of words. kind of like when you’re trying to tweet a long story and you choose your words wisely lol
not only does having headings (like above) help break up your content and increase your readability, but it also helps search engines figure out what your post is about (like alt tags). when google is sorting through your blog post, it uses the headings to grab keywords and decipher what it’s all about. I typically use an H2 for each heading in my post. Google is all about searching for those keywords in your content and tries to find a connection between the title of your blog post and your headings and content. So if you’re headings are not relevant to the title of your blog post, Google is not going to be exactly thrilled.
internal linking
I find that this is more common sense, but can sometimes feel like a pain doing it. within your blog post, you should hyperlink words and sentences to previous blog posts or other pages on your site. why? because you want them to continue clicking around your blog and increase their time on your site. unless it’s absolutely necessary, you don’t want to link to external websites. i mean why wouldn’t you want them browsing around and taking a peak at other posts, right?
want an even easier way to make sure you’re doing all of the above correctly? DOWNLOAD YOAST. it’s a super awesome plugin that helps you make sure you blog is fully optimized and ready to take on the world wide web. this plugin is for wordpress and if you aren’t using wordpress, i’m not 100% sure if you can use this. i’m sorry! butttt it’s so so so so worth it. i don’t know what i would do without this plugin. it let’s you know if you need to mention your keywords more, if your post is long enough, if you should add more internal links, AND SO MUCH MORE. so again, highly recommend.
there you have it! a few easy ways to help out with your seo on your blog. i’m hoping to be writing more tips and tricks for blogging over the next few weeks. i get a lot of questions about how i started blogging and all that jazz, so i might actually do a more personal blogging journey type post as well.
ok, i’m going to go eat dinner now 🙂 and it WON’T include dairy because i still haven’t been eating it.