the week was pretty boring for the most part, as it is, but it wasn’t terrible. weather wise – it was pretty rainy and gloomy until friday. perfect timing though, right? i have a review coming up for the hair extensions i bought, so watch out for that! i also posted a blog a few days ago all about steps to take before going platinum. it’s my first post in my hair series. my next post will be all about the actual process – how long it took, etc. so many things ahead, as you can see.
i don’t have too many favorites at the moment. i’ve been watching the new season of prison break on tv and it’s sooooo good! i’ve waited so long for this. not seven years like most, i only just recently got into the show, but long enough. my expectations were really high for the new season and so far, it hasn’t disappointed.
puppy advice please
my current favorite song at the moment is seventeen by sjowgren (how on earth do you say that?). i know it’s not anything new, but it popped up on my spotify and i can’t get enough!
does anyone have any tips for getting your puppy not to bark? he doesn’t bark at everyone, but when we’re out on a walk/adventure he barks at kids and a lot of adult men.. like it’s so embarrassing. especially the fact that he barks at kids. he’s not mean and he would never hurt anyone, he just gets really really anxious. i have no idea how to help him! so any tips are useful.
friday froyo
friday night we decided it was time for some froyo! it was SO nice outside. we grabbed our froyo and kylo and headed to fish ladder park. pictures are below!
i’m aware that my hair looks like it’s 15 different colors here ^ it was the lighting and also the fact that i hadn’t washed it in six days… haha
salted caramel with puppy chow as a topping!? uhh, yes! i was so proud – i sent dominic to get my froyo as i waited outside with kylo and he picked this out all on his own for me. i didn’t even help!
kylo tries to drink every water he comes across…
he kept trying to see the view! it was adorable
guys, these sunglasses were $10 from h&m and look exactly like the raybans – sooooooo
i’ve had these shoes since christmas and i’m so happy spring is finally here so i can wear them – from forever 21
i know it’s only saturday night and i usually post my weekly catch up blog on sundays, but i took quite a few photos today as well so i’m going to split up this weekend and have another blog post tomorrow as well. stay tuned!
i really feel like i’m forgetting to say something.. oh well, i’ll let you know in tomorrow’s blog if i remember.
don’t forget that you can also subscribe to my blog below and receive emails when i post! that way you’ll know exactly when a post goes up. sometimes my schedule isn’t as consistent as i would like it to be – so this is the perfect solution so you don’t miss a post.