he did such a good job! it was very overwhelming with all of the dogs and people and craziness, but he only barked twice at people! which is a record for him. two weeks ago, we couldn’t get him to stop barking. so i’m really proud of him.
by the looks of these photos, you would think it was 70 and sunny – wrong. it was 40 and the wind was SO strong. i was wearing my winter jacket, but of course had to look cute for the photos. – duh, priorities.
hair extensions
you may also notice how long my hair is – im sure you’ve realized they’re extensions. i bought 18″ platinum blonde extensions from foxy locks. when they came in the mail they were super yellow compared to my white hair. so far i’ve toned them twice and they need one last toning session i think. they’re still just a touch too yellow. i think im going to write a separate blog post all about these extensions and my experience, but i want to give them a few more times of use.
so enjoy!
how cute is he??
these tulips though ^^^
out of all of the sticks on the ground, he has to pick the biggest one he can find…
his little face is so cute here! he had just the best time. he was so overwhelmed but was also enjoying every minute of it. all he wanted to do was play with every puppy he saw.
thank you so much for reading.
courtney raf