his barking is getting better! he’s not perfect, but he barks less and less each time we take a walk. he just gets so nervous when there are people around he doesn’t know. especially when they start to pay attention to him.
we got some pretty funny pictures of him though – some of my favorites. enjoy! oh – and my overalls and sunglasses are both from h&m.
his eyes! he looks a little crazy.
hahaha, sometimes he forgets to put his tongue back in his mouth.
this is one of my favorites! he legit looks crazy. and his paws are so dirty! you know it’s been a good walk when you come home with dirty paws.
this is a very rare sighting of kylo actually posing for a picture.
there you have it! just a few photos from our walk. i’ll be out of town for a wedding this weekend, so i’m not sure i’ll have a post up on sunday night like i usually do, but maybe! it really depends. regardless, i’ll have a post up all about the process of my hair (blog post #2 of my series – if you missed post #1 click here) at some point next week.
thanks for reading xo
courtney raf