speaking of food, yesterday was also taco tuesday! only my favorite day of the week, duh. so, even though it was raining, it was still taco tuesday and i still got to spend the entire day with my boyfriend and kylo. we tried to make cute cupcakes and they just did not turn out.. but they still tasted good.
birthdays are weird. or maybe i’m just weird and feel awkward when someone says ‘happy birthday’ to me lol that’s probably it. now, i could give you some inspirational bull about what i’ve learned in the last 25 years and how i’ve grown so much as a person, blah blah blah. but i’m not going to. if i’ve learned anything in the last 25 years, it’s that people don’t give a crap about that. sure, i’ve learned “not to care what everyone else thinks” but that doesn’t inspire anyone at all. or at least, reading that from someone else’s point of view doesn’t.
i have no idea what i’ve been doing for the last 25 years and i don’t think anyone else really knows what they’re doing either.
if you know me, you know i’m a twin and if you don’t, now you do. when i was 17 my sister passed away in a car accident. i’m only going to say this once – put your phone away when you’re driving. just do it. it’s really not hard. don’t act spoiled. you don’t need it. just put it away. it’s weird to know i’m getting older, but she will always be 17. it will also be weird when the years i’ve lived without her will be more than the years i lived with her, you know? i was with her for 17 years and it’s been 7 years since she passed. but how will i feel when it’s been 18 years since she’s passed. you know? weird life stuff.
anyway, i wanted to share some photos from the unforgettable 90’s and a few from high school. they’re so funny! i feel like i couldn’t share photos without explaining the first part. i’m so blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing people in the world. thank you to anyone and everyone who took the time to wish me a happy birthday yesterday. it was super super nice of you. especially if you texted me! that always means more than a facebook post.
i love reminiscing on old photos. they’re always so fun to look back on. some days i feel like i’m a completely different person than i was when i was 17 or 6 years old, but the older i get, the more i realize i really haven’t changed a bit. and that’s ok. i literally have NO idea what the next 25 years are going to consist of. if you would have asked me at 5 years old or even 10 years old what my life would be like at 25, i wouldn’t have guessed this. and i mean that in a good way! i’m so so so lucky to have what i have.
without further adieu – here are some flashback photos! i know it’s not that exciting of a blog post, but it was a lot of fun for me to find these photos. this weekend, i have a few friends coming to visit so we will properly celebrate me turning a quarter of a century!
my junior year prom with my sister. my hair was so long! i miss it. i also wore all black to my junior prom – black dress and black tights. would you expect anything different?
hahaha my eyebrows.. and my teeth. i’ve grown into both since then. or at least i know how to manage them now.
was anyone else a figure skater? i swear i loved it – even though this photo makes me look like i hate life. that’s just naturally how my face goes.
this was my high school graduation with my parents. again, without my twin sister – so always remember your actions have consequences that last forever.. put your phone away. regardless of that, it was still a day to celebrate! also, my skin looks so good.. i wish it looked like that now.
hahah my teeeeeeth! that gap. ugh, so glad that’s gone.
this doesn’t get any more 90’s – visors, handmade shirts. ahhh. in the middle is my cousin. we always used to say we were triplets because we were all the same age and inseparable.
this was me in 8th grade with my niece! how is it that 8th graders these days look like they’re 35 years old with their makeup and cute clothes and i looked like a 7 year old… middle schoolers these days skip the awkward stage, so jealous.
me and my twin – but the important part – MY SHIRT. i had style, i really did. hahah this was one of my favorite outfits growing up.
one of my senior pictures! i’m actually smiling, crazy. my hair was SO long. ugh
another one of our senior photos. the back our these jerseys had our last name on it. growing up in the midwest, hockey is just a way of life lol
my outfit! soooo 90’s. and those haircutes! oh wow.
another photo from our backyard. i can’t get over those haircuts.
this is my sister and i, my older sister and also my dad. i love the polaroid with the balloons.
i’m pretty sure we were awake here and we just asked my mom to take a photo of us pretending to be asleep. haha no, idea why.
this was junior prom again! i was much taller than her, as you can see. the only person in the world i was probably taller than. i’m only 5’2″ to give you an idea
that’s all for today! if you want more throwbacks, i can do it again maybe in a few weeks, who knows. i def enjoy looking back at old photos.
see you in my blog post this weekend!
courtney raf