first thing’s first
blogging. that’s what my life has come to. i’m just as surprised as you are. first off, i feel like i’m talking to myself and for the most part i probably am. but if you love words just as much as i do, maybe you’ll stick around for more. words. we use them every single day. i find it fascinating that millions of words float through our minds each and every day. we spit them out like a bad tasting beverage, without thought, yet when a blank page is presented in front of us, the freedom of endless possibility clears away our mind of every word we’ve ever known. some call it writers block. the fact of the matter is, we’re all writers. i don’t care what every english teacher has ever told any of us. we are all attracted and intrigued by the words of everyone around us. we read books, we listen to song lyrics, we search for meaning and answers and hold on tightly to the words of others hoping they will guide us through this weird thing called life. i also find it haunting and mesmerizing how complete silence can have more of an impact than any word known to mankind. words have power, but silence is the most powerful of them all. now that i’ve finished my cliche rant on my obsession with words. let’s get down to it. what is this blog even going to be about? i like poetry, i like music, i like jokes. (i’m a pretty basic person) i’ll be sharing poems and music and if you’re really lucky, a joke from time to time. sounds pretty typical, hey? what i’m hoping is that you’ll share things too. i love new music and new books and poems. i also love going on rants about things i find important or intriguing. don’t worry, this blog won’t contain any political rants or lectures on how to live your life. blog posts from this moment on will be much more interesting than this, i promise. SO: here’s a song i want to share with all of you! it’s called “ten feet tall” by wrabel. stephan wrabel is an awesome musician that i’ve been following for a few years now. afrojack recently did a remix to his song “ten fee tall” that i’m sure you’ve heard now and again on the radio and such. BUT…
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