enjoy the photos below! i hope everyone is enjoying their week. at least tomorrow is hump day, right?
how cute is little archer the corgi?
taking photos while on the longboard at the same time was challenging but don’t worry (mom) your camera is still in perfect condition.
our mix tape drops august 2017 – so look out for that!
again, the weather over the weekend was just so perfect. i think it’s supposed to be rainy and cold the rest of the week, which sucks.
my 25th birthday is in tow weeks! i can’t handle that. it’s fall on tuesday, so you know it’s going to be taco themed. i mean, let’s face it, it would be taco themed regardless if it fell on taco tuesday.
i’m sorry this post is kind of short! i hope you enjoyed the photos.
until next time,
courtney raf