i’m a sucker for a good diy and i decided to try and make both items myself for way cheaper. i headed over to joann fabric’s to find some rose patches. i found two different iron on rose patches (i only ended up using one) for about $3-$4 each, which i thought was reasonable. i also found a tee shirt for $4 and a black crew sweatshirt for i think around $7. so in total, each piece cost me around $10 which is CRAZY considering the same-ish items went for 2-3x that price online.
i wish i had more of a tutorial for you on how i made these, but i literally grabbed a shirt and ironed a patch on and called it good. that’s how easy it is! the patches were a little smaller than i wanted them to be, but after going to a few different craft stores, this was the best i could find. i’m sure you can look up some even better patches online to order.
below are pictures of me trying to model both clothing pieces.
there you have it! a diy SO easy, you didn’t even need step by step instructions. since i only ironed these patches on, i’ll probably sew them on properly before i plan on washing them so they don’t fall off.
ok, that’s all!
courtney raf